
CJSC "RLB SILICA" INN/KPP: 7735049608 / 773501001
Checkpoint on outgoing invoices and invoices 504445001,
OGRN: 1027739819029
Legal address: 124460, Moscow, Zelenograd, Panfilovsky prospect, 4, building 1, room 366.
Mail address: 124482, Moscow, Zelenograd, PO Box 54
The address
Solnechnogorsk, Obukhovskaya st.47
Working hours
Mon.- Fri: from 9:00 to 18:00
The main office of the company is located in Solnechnogorsk. Be sure to come to us for a cup of aromatic coffee. We will discuss your projects together and offer recommendations!
Contact us
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